Thank you for supporting our cause. Southern California Mapua Alumni (SCMA) is a non-profit charitable tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization of alumni of the Mapua Institute of Technology (now Mapua University) in Manila.
Our mission is two-fold:
- Provide educational assistance by granting scholarships to deserving and underprivileged students of Mapua University and other students studying in Southern California schools.
- Provide career advancement assistance with free California Engineering Registration review classes, mentoring, networking and job placement support to deserving and disadvantaged individuals in the engineering and technical fields.
There are several ways to donate or pay dues or fees:
1. Using Zelle.
This method is preferred and recommended for alumni and family and those who are familiar or affiliated with SCMA. Transfer money using your bank’s on-line banking site on your computer or app on your smartphone or tablet to 626-227-6109 or with the account name: Southern California Mapua Alumni.
2. Using Venmo.
This method is most suitable for small donations ($100 or below). Send your donation via Venmo to SouthernCalifornia-MapuaAlumni with cell phone 626-227-6109. Alternatively, open your Venmo app and point your cell phone camera to the QR code below.
3. Writing a check.
Make your check payable to Southern California Mapua Alumni and mail your check to:
Southern California Mapua Alumni
c/o Jesse San Miguel
320 W Fiat St., Carson, CA 90745
If your donation or payment is for a specific payment (membership dues, souvenir program ad, raffle ticket with ticket numbers, etc.) please include a note with your online payment or on the memo line on your check.
Please contact the SCMA treasurer via e-mail at or call (310) 989-1348 if you have any questions regarding your payment or donation.