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Scholarship fund donation with matching

One of our most important missions is helping poor but smart students studying at our beloved Alma Mater to complete their education through our Scholarship Partnership program at Mapua University. Due to the pandemic, we had not been able to raise funds as our scheduled fundraisers in 2020 (dinner-dance, golf, casino trips, etc.) were canceled. The need to help these students is greater than ever.


As Mapua alumni in Southern California, we are so blessed, and our organization knows that we are looking for a way to share our blessings with them. As such, we have created a program for us to make direct donations to the SCMA Scholarship fund. Your donation ($25, $50, $100, $200 or any amount), payable in 2022 or 2023, will go directly to the Scholarship fund and will be tax-deductible as we have maintained our IRS 501(c)(3) status. As an added incentive, your donation will be matched by a few SCMA members (called patrons) who have pledged to donate $500 each to use as a fund to match your donation.


This Matching Fund Program has the effect of doubling the impact of your donation. This program is also open to non-Mapuans as donors. To participate in this program, please complete the form below and write “SMF” on your form of payment (Zelle, Venmo or check). If your are an SCMA member and wish to be a patron, please contact Ross Papilla at (909) 896-6160. Thank you for your kindness, and may the Lord bless you and your family always.


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