U.S. Scholarship
The SCMA Local Scholarship Program is designed to grant a one-time Scholastic Achievement Award to a deserving child or grandchild of an active SCMA member, or an active member who is pursuing graduate studies.
The Award amount is $250 or $500 to the scholar. The program is subject to availability of funds and may be temporarily suspended by the Executive Board at the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee.
The program is intended to provide an incentive for members’ children and grandchildren to excel in school and aspire for college education, provide an incentive for alumni to become active members, and encourage them to support SCMA’s fundraising activities. It is also intended to provide encouragement for members to pursue an advanced degree and be active in SCMA’s work.
The awards are presented at the SCMA Summer Picnic and awardees are acknowledged at the subsequent Dinner-Dance. Awardees may also be requested to help promote SCMA and participate in future fundraising activities.
The qualification requirements, application process, evaluation criteria and approval process are detailed in our Local Scholarship Program Guidelines.